The Road Not Taken

Two roads diverged in a wood, and I — I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference. — Robert Frost
I love it here in Monteverde. It is much more walkable and for some reason it doesn’t seem so isolated. It also abounds in the lush green flora and fauna that I love.

I thought all along that Monteverde was the name of the town I was going to. However, I learned today that Monteverde isn't a town at all.

It is actually the area composed of several small towns. My new home is in the town of Santa Elena and is near the city center.

Houses seem to be built on terraces cut into the side of the mountain. I am living in the top house shown here. There is actually another house right above us. The house below belongs to the eldest daughter, her husband, and their daughter, Mia, who is an absolute delight.

I am trying to take the various roads around here and explore. I want to show you the roads. You can see how steep they are.

This isn’t the steepest one I have seen, but it is the one I walk home from where I am dropped off after school.

The walk home from Monteverde would be about 40 minutes from the school to my house. There are several steep inclines, slopes, and windy curves.

The first road I walk up is newly paved. The side roads are very rocky.

You can see my foot in the picture to see the size of some of the rocks. Some roads are bricked in a herringbone pattern.


  1. Thank you for writing back. I am having so much fun and can't wait to share my experiences with all of you next year in technology class.


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